Tattoo aftercare instructions

  • Upon completion of your tattoo, your artist will place a waterproof bandage over your tattoo. If you have a latex or adhesive sensitivity, your artist will wrap your arm with some plastic wrap to be worn until you go to bed that evening if possible.

  • The waterproof bandage should be removed within 24 hours. It can be pulled off slowly and won’t peel away any ink, so don’t worry.

  • Wash the tattoo using a mild antibacterial soap and warm water. During this initial wash, use clean fingers to gently rub away at any sliminess (plasma and ink that oozed out). Pat it dry with a clean, soft cloth or paper towel and let it dry before applying a thin layer of Aquaphor. It's very important to let your tattoo "breathe" like this and dry out a little, each time you do an antibacterial wash, and prior to ointment. Too much ointment can trap germs and can potentially lead to infection.

  • Repeat the cycle of washing, drying, and applying ointment to the tattoo about twice per day for the first 3 days.

  • Days 4-14: Switch to a lighter moisturizer like unscented lotion, tattoo specific lotion, or coconut oil. Apply one of these types of moisturizers twice a day for the remainder of two weeks. Do not use lotions that contain color or fragrance at all until the healing is complete.

  • Days 4-14: During this time your tattoo will begin to flake and heal from the top layer of skin downwards. It will become very itchy during this time. Do not scratch, rub, or peel your skin while your tattoo is healing. Flaking is normal, scabbing is not. Let your artist know if your tattoo begins to scab anywhere.

  • You must keep your tattoo clean! Avoid long, hot showers, baths, swimming, soaking of any kind, for 2 weeks.

  • Remember, the sun will speed up the aging of your tattoo. Whether the tattoo is new or old, if you want it to look nice and heal properly, keep it out of the sun. Wait until it is fully healed to go back in the sun and make sure you put on a high quality sunblock each time. Never put sunblock on a tattoo that is still healing.

    Following all of these simple steps will ensure that you end up with the best result with minimal complications and your tattoo will stay looking bright and beautiful for many years to come. Email us with any questions.